come for the coffees and lattes ($4)
aaa replica designer handbags Best Food at the Mall About Us,Mall food courts generally have nothing in common with fine dining. They are there to feed shoppers quickly so the masses can return to their favorite store's sale racks. You can find the usual flavorless options like sodium laden lo mein, dried out replica louis vuitton bags burgers, and that unidentifiable brown stuff called "bourbon chicken." That is unless you find yourself at Aventura Mall. This commercial juggernaut is replica louis vuitton bags from china quickly becoming a high end mecca. Stores such as Fendi and Louis Vuitton share real estate with Lululemon and the Apple Store. Now the mall has upped the ante at its food court with the addition of GastroPod. Chef Jeremiah Bullfrog's commercial version of his Airstream food truck serves comfort food for locavores at fair prices. Arepas topped with goat cheese are $6, pulled pork tacos run two for $7, and a bowl of freshly made noodles costs $...